Kayak Breamers,
The new Hobie BREAM Kayak Series is set to kickstart in a couple of weeks. The opening round takes place in conjunction with the last Ford Ranger BREAM Qualifying round of year at Nelson.
Entry forms (can be printed off but can only be lodged at the event), series rules, calendar and event information sheet for the Glenelg event are now online and available for download.
Click the link to find out all there is to know about the new 2009/2010 series:
Entry Form - http://www.bream.com.au/abt/2009/kayakef.pdf (Lodged the day of the tournaments only)
Series Rules - http://www.bream.com.au/abt/2009/kayakrules.pdf
ABT Membership Form - http://www.bream.com.au/abt/2009/member09.pdf
Series 2009/2010 Calendar - http://www.bream.com.au/modules.php?nam ... le&sid=533