There is a subject I have been paying a great deal of attention to for the last 6 or so months. It's not related to the art of angling in any way (Hence off topic) but it is related to the study of fish and their cycles of life. Keeping fish in an aquarium at home hasn't been of interest to me, however when I discovered it can be incorporated with a gardening food production aspect I was immediately intrigued. 'Aquaponics' is really taken off in Australia and is basically the art of Aquaculture and Hydroponics rolled under the one guise. Aquaponics is no vicious circle, In a nut shell you create a living, growing, harvestable life cycle with both fish and plant species establishing themselves organically.
Being able to watch fish and plants grow at an extremely rapid rate from my backyard is what seemed to appeal the most, followed by food production and food security. Studying species like Silver Perch and Trout from my own property is just an added bonus, you can add consuming them at the end to that list too (These are no pets). After attending a seminar and researching the art (Via web, DVD and books) Aquaponics is still all new to me and there is much to learn. You can build these yourself but my complete manufactured kit should be arriving any day now, another geeky saddle to throw on my hobbyhorse life.
Visit these links to learn more about Aquaponics and what the hell I'm rabbiting on about:
http://www.aquaponics.net.au/, http://www.backyardaquaponics.com/