Revisiting Narrabeen Lakes has been on the cards for awhile now, mainly because I had a blinder of a session there a few years ago. Funny thing was I didn't weigh in a fish, oh and if I managed to one fish was top 10. Why go back then you ask, the amount of sub 25cm Bream on top water was ridiculous. I figure most of these bream are four years older now so should be well and truly legal, that and I have a better idea of where to go (Plus some decent bags have come out of there since).
Three kilometres away from the start point, down a channel, under a bridge, cut through behind an island, round the corner and you are there. I never bothered venturing that far with a hot surface session closer by, that's before I started to realise the power of a shallow crank. There is a couple of creeks all running out/in and the system is probably closed to the sea. Sounds like south coast fishing heaven, only thing is its two hours north of that though.
My goal as with all rounds is to do well but capture some valuable Angler of The Year (AOY) points. Interesting to note with some sub 10th place results I have jumped from way, way down the list to 23rd position. Nothing too exciting at this stage as it's based on best results over the series and shows who is the most consistent at various arenas.
Turnout for the event should be good, can only guess at 50 plus entrants. The rumor is unless they get a good turnout Sydney may lose its remaining round in the series. No excuses really and I'm only travelling three hrs to attend. A Mexican wave is scheduled to arrive,with some others from the north and some from the south. Invade people, let's show the onlooking locals how we do four fish bag limits ABT style.