Not much to add to my blog regarding this report apart from losing a big Couta who came along for a munch, getting reefed a few times by some ooglies and losing my leaders, got a few Flathead ( 1 x 3cm, 1 x 27cm ) and dropped a decent fish of some description at Durras Lake ( Most probably a Flathead ).
I am still unconvinced that I have what it takes to fish with plastics, I know patience is the key but with Squidder yelling out "There is a school of kingies!" every 5 minutes it made for some hectic shuffling and wayward casts. Managed about 6 Pike in a row and a few BIG female SGT.Bakers ( Dont they fight well ) plus ran into my first Shark around the bombie... Only a baby about 1.2m who didnt want to eat my plastics ( Or me, for a few years anyway ).
Nanna naps are very important, especially when you forget to apply sunscreen, wear shorts and get burnet to a crisp... Still, wonderfull trip all round ( Next time its bait for me ).
Camera and under waterhousing took its first dip, trying to take photos of the baby Squid lurking around the weeds, alas all I managed to capture was said weed and a flay hanging round the edge of the yak, even up to 1km offshore they can still smell the Gulp a mile away!