Adapted from The Hunter by Fox Nekitsune
Water still like a bath
I am the Angler
I troll a deadly path
I am Angling
Slipping through the weeds
I am the Angler
I do it all with ease
I am Angling
There gliding before me
Is the Redfin that I desire
A tremble running through me
Now I feel the Anglers fire
I paddle closer
Keeping her in sight
I paddle closer
Don’t want to give them a fright
Now I am behind them
So close now
I see the tell tale pilgrim
So close now
Quickly I cast
Offering up a meal for her
Quickly I cast
Now I will haunt her
I take my fill
I am the Angler
I leave them still
I am Angling
22 Redfin collected
I am the Angler
22 new spots prospected
I am Angling