Now here is something with a great cause...
The Pirtek Fishing Challenge is on again and apparently entries this year have been better than ever. At only $20 to enter its probably the cheapest and definately most popular fishing tournament in Australia. Be it boat, kayak, bank if its caught on a line, and you have paid your entry fee (And abide by the rules) you could win big.
The event is held to support the Prostate Cancer Foundation, which is the peak national body for prostate cancer in Australia. They are dedicated to reducing the impact of prostate cancer on Australian men, their partners, families and the wider community. With that sort of cause behind them, and knowing how much men like fishing its no wonder the event has been a huge success.
To be honest I have never entered one before but with the competition held on a state by state basis, with each state having there own target fish (Not disclosed till 6pm the night before) I am kind of kicking myself, this really sounds like fun. The A.C.T falls into the MDB category so Canberran's can enter either a state caught fish or a MDB fish (But only one, Both announced the night before). There are more rules that I wont go into but needless to say if you have enetered you know the score.
Canberra has so many species on the cards so im getting a little antsy, could be Trout (Yes, in the A.C.T), Yellowbelly, Murray Cod, Redfin or even Carp. Lots of urban impoundments and rivers around so should be a freshwater sea of blue hats/shirts and a whole lot of smiles. Personally I hope its a pest species like Carp, so not only our Capital gets rid of a plethora but also so I can bust out the hair rigs and laze sround on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin with the family.
For more information on the challenge, please click here.