With all these comps on in my neck of the woods come this weekend I will be away on the road every weekend for like 9 weeks (Or at least that's what the missus tells me). I will be tired, thirsty and probably all fished out by the end of it but while I'm still fresh I'm off to St Georges Basin first. I have a bit of a love hate relationship with this place, a vast waterway with lots of deepwater in-between my favourite haunts. By the time I have written this I have checked the what the rain is doing, yep come gameday it will be mooching around hard.
To be honest I am still confused as to how I will approach this weekend. If conditions are right it will be surface till it dies, if conditions are wrong it will be cranking for an edge bite. Worst of all, if all else fails its blades in deep water. Vibing the depths isn't my favourite technique for Bream (12-15m of water) but I have taken home top spot from here once before when all else failed.
Problem is sometimes I can't get it to pay off, no bag limits and last time it was double donuts all-round. Perhaps I should visit an area that seems unfamiliar, perhaps its a pedal a long way from the start line. One things for sure, weather forecast is looking pretty ordinary so wet weather gear is packed and waterproof covers ready for electronics. Who knows, it could be what I need to do well, make myself as comfy as possible while everyone else shivers and shakes.
What a game plan... Such is the desperation of the Basin.