Widget By Devils Workshop


This website was created to house internal and external drafts containing reports associated with the art of angling and our Kayak Fishing Adventures. Based in and around cities and locations throughout Australia, these tales of experience, knowledge and info are for all to enjoy and all content, text and images contained herein are deemed strictly copyright ( (C) 2006 - 2012, all rights reserved ).

For more information, please read our websites Terms of use.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I felt the need for a solo mission to recharge the batteries, so headed to Jindy alone this morning. The roos are really starting to get bad with the cooler weather, and I'm having many more near misses than I'd like. Seeing so many roos moving in the roadside scrub (and occasionally having to take evasive action) makes the drive stressful to the point of being unpleasant, and I'd urge anyone considering a trip to the snowies to bear this in mind and maybe drive a few k's slower, or try not to drive during dusk or dawn.

Enough of that, I arrived at about 8.30 to a very still lake. The day's weather was weird: wind up, wind down, easterly, northerly, westerly, whitecaps, millpond calm, rain squalls, bright sunshine, etc. I was on a mission to try and tempt a few more trout on soft plastics, so took advantage of the calmer times with rapid machinegun casting at likely spots. I didn't get a hit for the first hour or so, then figured out where the fish were holding and it all started happening.

I feel a bit embaressed that of the 12 or more rainbows I hooked on SP throughout the day, I only landed TWO! 7 of the fish I lost were on for 10 seconds or more, and most of them threw the hook by getting airborne. I think I may need to go up a hook size. Or start using dynamite. I spoke to some boaties at the ramp who reckoned the trout weren't hitting the lures 'properly' today. I pulled in to a little bay for lunch and caught two nice rainbows on powerbait (Chunky Cheese and Orange Pulp) in quick succession, so ended up with a nice feed.

Despite the hookup frustrations it was great to get away for some 'me' time in one of my favorite spots.